May 2022

Painting Collage workshop


Creating art for the community by the community, Newquay Renaissance Project’s aims to transform Newquay into the Creative Capital of Cornwall

Fine arts graduate Charlotte Guerard currently attending the Royal Academy of Arts School conducted an extraordinary workshop with some Newquay residents creating a 2 sided painted fabric collage.

The day commenced with an inspiring meditation on the harbour beach with Newquay Life Coach, Charlotte Lodey.

The meditation encouraged us to embrace our positive inner self and focus on our creativity. Thank you Charlotte for gifting your time to our project.

Charlotte guided us in sketching the shapes that we could see in the harbour and Towen beach. Abstract sketches.

Then we cut out our sketches and placed them on 2 pieces of fabric.

We worked together to agree a composition that everyone was happy with and then drew around each shape and selected colours to paint the shapes in. Some of the colours were strong and others almost a wash. We swapped positions so that we had a chance to work alongside each person painting making it a true collaboration.

The next step was to cut out the painted shapes and lay them on the floor so that we could decide how best to position them on the main fabric.

The group worked together to create a final composition and then it was time to glue the pieces onto 2 pieces of fabric to make a 2 sided collage.

We were all extremely pleased with how the collage had evolved over the morning (with a short break at lunch time for a Cornish Pasty care of NRP) guided by our excellent facilitator Charlotte Guerard.

Matilda said “ I cant member the last time I have spent a whole day not looking at my phone” which was such a positive reaction to a wonderful day creating something beautiful that represented our vision of Newquay collaboratively.

The collage was exhibited at the Newquay Renaissance Project ‘Hope Gathering’ at Newquay Artist Studios at the end of May.

Here is a short video of Megan’s reaction to seeing it floating from the ceiling at the exhibition.